
Patman Scholar

Patman Scholars

Patman Scholars show exemplary promise to become civic leaders and receive a scholarship that supports experiential learning opportunities and internships.

Become a Patman Scholar
woman pointing across table at another woman

Civic and Leadership Learning

Students will learn from active political professionals, elected officials, and civic leaders to build practical skills and increase democratic participation.

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senior fellow mentors student

Senior Fellows

Patman Scholars are paired with Senior Fellows who serve as mentors, helping them navigate a career in civic leadership.

speaker at podium with conference poster in foreground

Civic Leadership Symposium

Each year, The Patman Center recognizes graduating Patman Scholars, welcomes incoming Patman Scholars, and thanks its Senior Fellows for their contributions and mentorship.

Man and woman standing in nature.

Alumni Giving Back

We are grateful to Ambassador Carrin F. Patman and James V. Derrick, Jr. for their support of The Patman Center. Their investment in students embraces the opportunity to strengthen America’s democracy through civic and political engagement. What starts here changes the world.

Learn more about our Founders


Paulina Licon and Andreana Faucette headshots

Andreana Faucette and Paulina Licon win The Patman Center's Research Award for Advancing Democracy

June 13, 2024
University of Texas at Austin undergraduate students Andreana Faucette and Paulina Licon have been awarded The Patman Center's Research Award for Renewing Democracy. This award recognizes outstanding thinking that helps our democracy thrive.
Photo of LBJ students standing in front of the American Flag

Students Go To Washington D.C. To Study Federal Policymaking

June 6, 2024
This May, LBJ students visited Washington D.C. for a Maymester course at The Patman Center called “Effective Advocacy for Federal Policymaking.” The course was taught by Professor Emily Bhandari. Students had the exciting opportunity to interview speakers and visited famed governmental institutions and world class advocacy groups.

LBJ student taking Patman Center courses reflects on their impact

April 8, 2024
This month, The Patman Center is pleased to highlight one of our students, Miles Andres. He’s taking "The Politics and Issues of the Election Cycle" and "Skills for Civic Leadership", both Patman Center affiliated courses. Miles says choosing to take both classes was an easy decision.

Maymester in D.C. Scholarships Given to Four LBJ Students

Feb. 7, 2024
Four students were awarded full scholarships to attend the Maymester in D.C. Learn more about who they are in the news article.
Ambassador Carrin F. Patman (JD ’82) and Jim V. Derrek (JD ’70)

The Patman Center for Civic and Political Engagement Established at LBJ School of Public Affairs

Nov. 9, 2023
Civic and political engagement is getting another boost at The University of Texas at Austin thanks to a generous new gift that will expand opportunities for students to strengthen America’s democracy.
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